Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Another Treasury in the Air!!

Yes, I made it... after a long time chasing the treasury spot, I finally got one!!

I have filled it with etsy sellers from europe, members of the European Street Team (EST). This group is an attempt from european sellers to promote themselves and let the public know what are the trends in the Old Country! Check it out -- there are links in the top of the sidebar!

Turn your eyes to...
My Latest Treasury for EST!

Apart from this, it has been a busy week for me.. weather was also too warm for anything. I could hardly move during the day, and no sleep was possible in the night. It was nightmarish hot!! The heatwave is over now, and I started living again!! I even listed some new rings and a bracelet!

1 comment:

kissthefrog said...

Thanks for adding my work at your treasury