Saturday, July 7, 2007

Gothic Mystery Tarot

Gothic, mystery and medieval times... that's what comes to my mind when I browse through babastudioprague's shop.
Everything found in there is genuine, made with a unique style I've never seen before. These fine pictures are sold as prints but also as designs for small and large bags. There is also a deck of tarot cards available, with the same pictures including minor & major arcana, 72 cards in total: it is the perfect collectors item and has been awarded the Best Tarot of 2006.

All pictures feature cats... not animal cats though! These are cat-people, with smart eyes looking at everything and perhaps brewing something mischievious. I remembered a fine story by Neil Gaiman in Sandman, "The Dream of a Thousand Cats" where the cats conspired to dream of a world where they were masters over the humans... and if a thousand cats dream of it, it would be true.

So, step into this mystery studio and travel down the centuries to a different reality, where the cat-people rule...

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Another Treasury in the Air!!

Yes, I made it... after a long time chasing the treasury spot, I finally got one!!

I have filled it with etsy sellers from europe, members of the European Street Team (EST). This group is an attempt from european sellers to promote themselves and let the public know what are the trends in the Old Country! Check it out -- there are links in the top of the sidebar!

Turn your eyes to...
My Latest Treasury for EST!

Apart from this, it has been a busy week for me.. weather was also too warm for anything. I could hardly move during the day, and no sleep was possible in the night. It was nightmarish hot!! The heatwave is over now, and I started living again!! I even listed some new rings and a bracelet!